Daily MoodLifter: Get it Together


Sometimes we just let it all go, and not in a good way. There can be lots of reasons: having a baby, a divorce, a tragedy, the loss of a loved one, or just good ‘ole PMS. I guess if you are a woman, that’s pretty much reason enough.

I have been letting it all go lately because of the death of a loved one. It’s almost as though I feel guilty if I just move on with life as usual, but I also feel guilty if I forget to help my daughter with homework, so I have to move on.

So what are some ways you might be letting it goscaly hands and gnawed down fingernails; dirty hair twisted up in knot or frizzy pony tail; black yoga pants for the 5th day in a row; hiding hideous red eyes with 50 drops a day, gross breakouts because of crappy eating and poor hygiene; re-washing a load of clothes 3 times because you keep forgetting about it as it mildews; dreading anything where you might actually have speak to a stranger and avoiding eye contact at ALL TIMES; losing everything from paychecks to kids’ pre-school registration papers, having 4 glasses a wine almost every night (believe me, it’s not pretty in the morning).  


But WAIT… this is a MOODLIFTER!  So, let’s turn this around. 

1.) Decide if you are ready to pull it together or take a few more days to be a hot moody mess.  If you make the decision to give yourself more yucky, frumpy, moody days, decide what day you will pull it together.  Give yourself time if you need it, but just making a decision helps.

2.) Take 3 Small Steps. Maybe they are: remembering to drink more water, wash your make-up brushes and get a facial, add veggies to each meal, workout for at least 10 minutes a day, put on make-up each day, get a fresh haircut or style, have your nails done or do them yourself, have a date night.  Just pick 3 things applicable to you that will break this cycle you are falling into.

3.) Force yourself to make human contact.  Once you’re ready, force yourself to look at a stranger or acquaintance and smile.  Give a friend a hug, even if you feel like saying very little.  Return a phone call you have been putting off.  You have to break that solitary rut it’s so easy to dig down in to.

We’ve all let ourselves go here and there, but the difference between a frumpy gal and a hot gal is that a hot gal knows how to pull it back together.  

All Moodiness,
